Castle Bond – Part 3





I inched forward when suddenly Carter's hand shot out. It felt cold and the grip wasn't as strong as my brother's. "Mmm," I mumbled, not showing either disgust or like at the moment.

"Couples, take a seat on any part of the matted area," the same man said and still held by Carter, we both did. I quickly crossed my legs though I guessed that there would be unintentional or forced up skirts later. "Alright all," he then said, “my name is Erik with a 'k', and I am one of the descendants of the original owners of the castle.


Next to him was a girl in a spaghetti top and knee length skirt, with a OTM white gag and ropes around her chest, wrists behind her back. Erik introduced her as Karin and continued briefly outlining what was on the programme.


The workshop would be divided into three two-hour sessions during the daytime, a lunch break, same format for the afternoon and a final two hours in the evening. First, we ladies were all unbound and gags off but told to be silent. The first session was called “Basics” and that’s what it was – nothing really new to me, although I picked up a few handy hints about stuff like the best materials to use in different circumstances: rope, tape, that sort of thing.


Then we were given basic gags--cleave with different cloth, cleave stuffed, OTM, OTM stuffed, tape of all kinds of tape and tape stuffed. By the end of it, Carter had me bound with a blue nylon rope and hankie stuffed in my mouth with gaffer tape over. This session also involved advice from Erik for us girls: a good warm-up is the best way to prepare yourself, physically and mentally, for a tie-up session.


It helps you to relax when under stress and also to become more flexible. "You'll be able to enjoy the TUG or bondage then," he said. TUGs or bondage or whatever we wish to call it is like a spiritual awakening--you are denied ability to move in the world around you, your gag prevents communication and, he held up a piece of cloth, "your eyesight is gone."


Yeah, back to the good ol' blindfold, I thought, as I felt the knot against my skull. "But when you’re cut off from the world, you discover strength in your vulnerability, power in your submission, self-reliance in your helplessness, sensuality in your suffering, ecstasy in your agony, joy in your shame, intense self-awareness in your sensory deprivation...." He droned on and on.

The final part of this session was a timed tie-and-gag session to see which team was the fastest to get the girl bound and gagged. Erik yelled out several combinations like "cloth only" or "rope and cleave" or "rope and stuff". While it was quite fun to race, it was also really physically taxing and many girls and women suffered rope burns.

Carter wasn't fast enough but Imogen and her partner, Donald, got third place for two combinations. "You'll get your prizes later," was the only comment. It was a short break time and water was passed around, again with us girls having their wrists bound behind our backs--Carter chose tape to secure mine.

The next session moved to more advanced stuff like hogties. These were just with rope but with cloth gags. Hogties in my view are the more physically torturing as the strain on all the muscles can be overwhelming.


Then, chairs were brought out and Erik taught chair ties of various forms, again with simple material. Then came out tables. "Table tie," Erik said. "Classic in ancient and modern times for interrogation and torture."


Soon enough, my hands and legs were spread out like a starfish and tied with rope. I've hardly done table ties or spread-eagle ties before and it seemed just as bad as hogties. "Ok, next," he called. But that was not a call to relax.


Rather, it was time for stuff like elbow ties. We started with a fairly loose binding, which was gradually tightened until – at least in some cases – our elbows came close to contact. Of course, as we know the major attraction is not that it totally immobilizes your arms, but rather the ornamentally enhancing effect it has on your breasts. By hauling back on your shoulders it forces your boobs outwards; and for the likes of myself, not generously endowed in that department, the enforced posture is rather flattering. 

Next, we progressed to the lotus technique. This is where your legs, with ankles crossed, are drawn up folded to your breasts, and you are forced to bend forward at the waist until your shoulders are between your knees and your chin almost touches your heels. A rope is looped behind your neck and tethered to your ankles to keep you restrained in your balled-up position.


With your hands still bound behind your back, this is a very effective arrangement because you’re completely helpless, unable to move anything – except maybe wiggle your fingers and toes. It’s also very taxing on your muscles and joints.

Then came the ball tie, which was a little more relaxing but definitely meant dresses up for many and knickers exposed for the boys to see. I'm sure Carter was aroused well before that with the various TUGs/bondage, but his face didn't show. I strained to see the other family members. Jonathan is probably well having his briefs soaked with semen now, I thought. Sayle to Avena? I only spotted Imogen again. I was most concerned for mum--she wasn't the kind to accept stannous bondage especially with a strange guy. Was she given some one around her age or some young squirt?








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