She was the only person in at the time they called, so she has to make her own arrangements to try and get free...


24 Hours


She was looking forward to a quiet day off - she was at least kept somewhat quiet...


36 Hours


Why did he pick her house...


A Christmas Carol


Nothing to do with Dickens, and everything to do with how Carol Renaud spent Christmas Eve...


A Day of Wonders


One woman, a gang of four, and a long day...


A Little Case of Blackmail


A request story for Joyce Alexander, from Transformed in Bondage, as the secretary and lover of a bank manager finds herself in a very dangerous situation...


A Voice in the Night


She woke, unsure of who was there - she soon found out...


Adam and Eve - Awakening


For Joanne, it was a weekend for coming out as she was...


Adam and Eve - Brenda


A more - adult weekend visit...


Adam and Eve - Farm Days


Widowed and with a farm to run, she needs excitement...


Adam and Eve - Expecting...


After a weekend with Shelia, the by request kidnappers call on a pregnant woman...


Adam and Eve - Flats


Our friends visit a young woman who loves flat shoes...


Adam and Eve - Jinkies!


A special request visit...


Adam and Eve - Granny


A more mature lady to visit - and a special guest star...


Adam and Eve Meet Ronja


A lady in leather and lace...


Adam and Eve - Weekend with Leila


The young Muslim woman wanted a quiet weekend - she got one...


Adam and Eve - The Settlement


One last thign to come from the divorce for Laura...


Adam and Eve Return


They're back after the lockdown...


After the Party


Elaine had had a wonderful evening at the office Christmas party, with the most handsome man in the world by her side.  At home, she hoped things would get more exciting, and they did.  Just not the way she had expected...


All Secured Security Services


I was sent this story idea by gsteelwraith, who had seen a firm with this name gauranteeing total security.  I took that and ran with what would happen if a goverment department wanted to stop all leaks, and called in a company by this time to ensure that was the case - not realising what the cost could be...


Amy's Night In


Following her discovery of Barb in Quietly, Amy remembers the night she had planned to go out - until The Whisperer surprised her...


Anna In Chicago


On the last day of the year, Anna "Doc" Carlton flies to attend a formal and stay with her boyfriend - but a shock from her past is waiting for her there...




Kelly was surprised to see the woman claiming to be an auditor when she arrived that morning - and even more surprised when she pulled a gun on her.  If she had seen what had happened to her boss, however....




She thought she was been asked to do a screen test for a possible small movie part that mroning - but as she and her friend discovered, other people had different plans...


Aunt's Weekend


Rhonda was looking forward to a nice weekend off - but her unexpected house guests gave her a different experience...


Barb's Binding Holiday


Barb's visit to her friend on the East Coast of England is about to take a very sinister turn...


Bouncing Baby


The Dawn Raider strikes, and this lucky lady gets exercise in a way she does not expect - or appreciate...


Breaking the Silence


It's quiet - too quiet - and all the burglar wants to do is get on with his robbery and get out.  His victim, on the other hand, is a very talkative person...


Chain of Command


The young female officer has just been given a very special and secret assignment - which the intruder in her quarters intends to sabotage by taking her place...




A story inspired by a picture of the beautiful Chanta Rose...


Captive Christyne


A Cautionary Tale...


Christyne and the Salesman


Beware of unexpected callers...


Christyne's Uninvited Guest


My good, good friend SilkenVixen inspired this...


Charlotte's Angels


Who are the Sisters of Maisha, and why are they watching a South African journalist?


Dial-A-Fantasy: Modestly


Fantasy Fulfillment meet all requests...




Pleasure is a personal experience.


Gauranteed Cure


In these times of financial difficulties, wouldn't it be nice of a friend recommended you to a firm that assured you they would take care of everything for you?  It might be, but not if it's this lot...



Going South


When Charlotte Gordon returns to South Africa, she falls victim to car hijackers - but they picked the wrong girl this time...


Hanny's Night


She thought she had got rid of the boyfriend - she did not know of his father...


Her Touch


The memory lingers...



Here Comes The Bride


Thank Mistress Peggy Sue for this story, which grew from an idea and piece of story text she sent me, as well as too much time watching excerpts from Telenovellas...



His Breath...


It may have been fifty years ago, but the memory remains...


Hostage to the Garden of Earthly Effects


The wife of an official at the Japanese Embassy learns of what honour means to parts of her society in this tale.




Job interviews can take many forms - as can ways of getting infromation for possible targets.  The two are combined in this tale, which actually acts as a prelude to the Madame X tale, "Private Viewing".


It's Just A Game


Jayne had been going out with Peter for a few weeks, so when he asked if she trusted him she said she did.  What followed over the next few weeks would lead to an outcome she could scarcely have guessed at that summer's eve...


Lady in Grey


When Fiona is asked to attend a clandestien meetign to finalise the Maidinseenot contract at the Amsel Hotel, she has no idea that her boss has another motice in mind.  If only she had learnt to speak German...


Lessons in Revenge


She wanted to have a chat with her pupil's mother about his performance in her class.  Unfortunately for her, an unepxected visitor has called first - one with designs on both women...


Maid's Night Off


When Selina is dismissed by her employer, the following night proves to be memorable for both women...


Marie's Surprise Visitor


The enforced stay at home was making Marie stir crazy - and then he was there...


Marie's Torment


Snatched from her home, Marie was taken to a place she had only dreamed of - and feared...


Memories of a Wet Autumn Day


Sometimes, a touch of sophistication is all that is needed...


Moving Day


Memories come back before you leave...


No Charge


Ever since the incidence, Amanda had to be on her own for the last week of October - but an encounter with Tony changes that...


No Workout Today


CC was going through her usual morning routine when she had an unexpected visitor - the Dawn Raider.


Not A Robber - Hijab Tales


She had found comfort in her faith - and then he called.


Offer You Cannot Refuse


Clara believes she has struck the deal of a lifetime - but there's a big surprise waiting for her.  Complete with photos!


Office Politics


They had discovered her late night work activities - now she had to pay the price...


One Day of Memories


Her sixtieth birthday was a special one...


One Night


All she wanted was a quiet night in...


Order To Go


A Classic subject - the Hooters Girl - gets the treatment in this tale...


Party Girl


Amy had had a brilliant night at the party - but a sshe wakes up the next morning, she discovers she is in a real bind..."


Picture of Fear


No interview is cmplete without the pictures - but for Stella, these shots are destined for another purpose...


Playing Her Own Games


Ever since the Games Player visited Ronnie, she has had strange feelings - feelings a friend offers to deal with...


Point of view


What happens when a home invasion takes place?  It rather depends on who you are - the victim or the intruder...


Private Workout


When Christyne's home exercise routine is interrupted, she finds herself in her own fantasy...




His voice was soft, gentle, barely above a whisper - but for Barb, the effect was as much as if he had held a knife to her throat...


Reading The Cards


As an astrologist with a nice side line in larceny, Madame Zelda thought she was untouchable.  Her mistake...


Red Mist


She had no idea she had attracted his attention...


Repeat Appointments


Love can start in the strangest of places...


Repeat Appointments - A Decision


A romantic trip with a purpose...


Safe At Home


When the men came a-calling that morning, Mary-Lou was powerless to resist them - especially when they used an unusual torture method to get the combination to the safe...


Safety First


Donna thought this was the assignment her boss had mentioned - a corporate video about what to do if you are taken hostage as part of a robbery.  How was she to know it was the real thing...


Serving Christyne


He has a purpose, a mission - and Christyne is the focus...


Sheila's Weekend Guest


When Sheila got home on the Friday night, she was looking forward to a quiet night and a weekend off. This is what happened next...


Solutions For Business


Please meet Mister Burke and Miss Hare of Solutions For Business, a firm that gaurantees to close any deal and remove any obstacles to business transactions - in their own unique way...


Special Delivery


For Claire, her day went very differently...


Spring Awakening


Florence - a city of history, of romance - and of surprises...


Strangers in the Night


Chrystine was expecting to be alone for the night - she was mistaken...


Summer Night


She was woken by his touch, but found she could not open her eyes - and then she felt his kiss on her neck...



Sunny Day and Night


When the armed intruder stopped her, Sunny had no idea what was about to happen, or how her life would change...



Sweet Caroline


Young Caroline discovers to her cost while decorating one morning how important it is to lock the doors - and not play your radio too loud....


That was Then, This is Now - Lessons


A childhood meeting helps her cope with the unexpected stranger...



The Awakening


Lesley had planning for months, collecting what she needed to fulfill her fantasy.  Now, as she pretends to be ill and her family go out for the day, she has the chance to fulfill her dream - but dreams do change without warning...



The Black Cat


There's a new cat burglar hitting New York during the hot summer...



The Discovery of Susan


Actually a request from bootsbabe77 at FetLife, Susan is an ordinary housewife, who loves to wear boots - and someone loves seeing her in them...


The Hottest Night


One woman's experience...


The Most Precious Jewel


Love can be found in the most unlikely of places - as Christyne Widdicombe discovers...


Tight Spot


When the two men break into Rebecca's house and confront her, it only takes a few stockings to make her secure - look at the embedded pictures if you don't believe me, and many many thanks to Tex for providing them.


Wedding Day Blues


Poor Chelsea - even the sumptuous gown she had been given could not hide the fact she was the bridesmaid yet again.  As she slips away from the recption, she has no idea that The Whisperer is waiting - and may change her life.


What Happened To Jenny?


Young Jenny has dreams of being a reporter on a major newspaper.  So, when she sees the door of her reclusive neighbour's house is open, she cannot resist looking to see what is happening.  Bad. bad move on her part...


When A Hero Comes Along


Ann had been grabbed when she walked into her house, roughly and comprehensively bound and gagged, then left alone while the two men took the keys to her business.  She had tried to free herself, but needed some help - and that help was here.  As Ann was about to discover, however, that help is The Whisperer...


When Chrystine met Adam and Eve


Chrystine wanted a quiet weekend. She got her wish...








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